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The Slough Central team hosted a Kickstart jobs fair event at the Queensmere Shopping Centre in September 2021, which brough together over 34 employers and young people from Slough, Maidenhead and Windsor. Notable attendees included local MP Tan Dhesi.
Kickstart is a government initiative that provides funding to create new job placements for 16 - 24 year olds on Universal Credit who are at risk of long term unemployment.
The event was a success, resulting in 53 job offers from both local and national employers to young people in Slough. The team are keen to host further such events at the Queensmere Shopping Centre and invite local businesses to sign up to the Kickstart scheme, so that they can participate.
The Slough Central team continue to support several local community groups and social enterprises by providing space for them on the site, including:
Youth Engagement Slough – a local group supporting youth engagement
Home Slough – a local group increasing opportunities and awareness of all the arts in Slough
The London and Slough Run – a local homelessness charity; repackaging and distributing food and goods.
Asian Star Radio – local community radio
Global Educational Trust Bookshop – Supporting local education welfare
Table Tennis England, – encouraging engagement in the sport
Slough Business Improvement District – promoting and supporting improvement in the security, environment and vibrancy of Slough Town Centre
Kayani Camp Boxing Club – a local Slough community interest company promoting exercise and wellbeing to the community
Divine Rescue – a volunteer-led humanitarian charity helping the homeless; ex-offenders; vulnerable people and people in crisis within the community
Slough CVS – a local charity seeking to improve the quality of life for Slough residents
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