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Welcome to the Slough Central website. Here you can find information about the proposals for the redevelopment of the Queensmere & Observatory Shopping Centres in Slough town centre.

Queensmere Outline Planning Application

A planning application has now been submitted for the demolition and redevelopment of the Queensmere Shopping Centre. The planning application was registered by Slough Borough Council in November 2021 with reference P/19689/000.

The proposals aim to bring investment and activity back into the heart of Slough. This will be achieved by:

  • Creating an improved town centre environment, with attractive new public spaces
  • Providing high-quality and accessible routes through the town centre
  • Delivering high-quality homes in a convenient, central location
  • Providing new, high-quality, flexible space for shops and restaurants and town centre uses

A series of amendments have recently been submitted to the Council (June 2022). These include an updated approach to vehicle access and circulation through the site, in addition to clarification regarding car parking. Further amendments are proposed in the form of a revised cap on the amount of town centre floorspace which can be provided across the site and potential uses for public spaces. Links to key documents and new FAQs are available on the ‘Useful information’ page.

Illustrative view of the new town square, one of four new public spaces

The outline planning application provides a framework for:

  • Up to 1,600 new homes – providing a mix of homes
  • Up to c. 15,000 sq.m of flexible town centre spaces for future shops, restaurants, community, leisure & education facilities
  • Up to 40,000 sq.m of high-quality office space
  • Attractive public spaces, including:
    • A new Town Square
    • An Urban Park
    • A Local Square and landscaped Community Heart space
    • New green routes and connections

Illustrative view of proposed neighbourhood street


We are grateful to all of those who have shared their thoughts, ideas and feedback to date. This has helped to inform the proposals. For further information on our pre-submission consultation activities and the feedback we have received, please see our Statement of Community Involvement.

Please see the ‘Queensmere Planning Application’ page for further information and visit the ‘Useful information’ page for links to key planning documents.

Get in touch!

If you have any questions about the project, please get in touch