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We are committed to ongoing engagement with the community and local stakeholders throughout the planning process and are planning to hold a series of events in the town centre during this period, as well as continuing to meet with local groups to discuss our submitted proposals.
We first shared the plans for Slough Central in Spring 2020. The purpose of Stage 1 of the consultation was to start a conversation with the community about Slough Central and to hear suggestions and ideas about the future of the site. During this consultation, we explained the need for redevelopment and shared an early vision for the site.
Stage 2 of the consultation took place in May-June 2021 and provided the community with an update on the masterplan, including the shift to a housing-led approach, while reinforcing the overall vision for Slough Central.
We presented the final outline proposals for the Queensmere site in September – October 2021, giving the community and stakeholders an overview of the outline planning application ahead of submission to the Council.
Both the Stage 1 & Stage 2 consultations were undertaken ‘at a distance’, using a range of online and offline tools to raise awareness of the proposals and gather feedback. Our most recent consultation included in-person pop-up events on the High Street.
Each stage of consultation was advertised via a newsletter sent to c. 7,000 local addresses, as well as social media adverts with an audience of over 40,000 people and e-newsletter updates sent to those who signed up to the project mailing list.
In total, c. 6,000 people visited the website over the course of the consultation, with over 500 leaving their feedback. We also engaged with over 200 people via online meetings and in-person pop-up events.
We would like to thank everyone who has engaged with the consultation on the proposals. As a result of your time and feedback, we have learned more about local needs, concerns and aspirations for the town centre and considered these as we finalised the outline planning application.
For more information on our consultation activities prior to submission, please see the Statement of Community Involvement submitted as part of the planning application
Here are some of the ways we have responded to your feedback:
Delivery of more homes – the proposals now include more homes located centrally within the town centre. The proposals will deliver a mix of housing types and tenures, including provision of affordable homes.
Providing quality public spaces – the proposals now include a series of neighbourhood and public spaces for use by the public. The spaces will be safe and secure.
Improved routes and connections – the proposals include prominent, safe routes through the town centre, creating a town centre that is easier, safer and more welcoming to pass through.
Supporting the existing High Street – the proposals include new retail space, which complements the existing High Street and directs footfall to the heart of the High Street.
A focus on accessibility and inclusivity – the proposals include new routes and public spaces, which seek to provide space for all to access and enjoy within the town centre.
For more information on how the proposals have responded to feedback, please see our Statement of Community Involvement.
If you have any questions about the project, please get in touch
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